woman with curly hair and plaid jacket smiling outdoors

With you. No matter the diagnosis.

Chronic & Acute Illness Therapy in Garland, TX. Online in Hawaii, Missouri and Texas.

When it comes to changes in your health, you need support that goes beyond the doctor’s office.

A new or chronic illness touches all aspects of your life. Maybe it shifts the role you play in your family, how you see yourself or the meaning of your life. It’s deep stuff.

(And we all know that stuff doesn’t get covered in a 15-minute medical visit).

Dr. Kristin Ross smiling in front of outdoor lights





Dignity ● Empowerment ● Community ● Collaboration ●

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Hi, I’m Dr. Kristin Ross

I have a PhD in Medical Family Therapy and have spent countless hours working with medical professionals, families, couples and individuals to support them in both their darkest hours, as well as through times of strength and resilience.

It’s fair to say this is my passion and I would be honored to stand beside you and your family through this time.

So, what exactly does “Medical Family Therapy” mean?

I help you and your family navigate practical things like:

  • Asking your provider the right questions

  • Supporting your doctor to serve you best by acting as a bridge when needed

  • Understanding your rights as a patient or family member

  • Learning about services to complement or enhance your treatment that your doctor may not have the time to tell you about

And the psychological, emotional and spiritual parts like:

  • Processing a new or terminal diagnosis

  • Strengthening your bonds in important relationships

  • Facing changing roles in your family

  • Feeling equipped, prepared and empowered to be an active participant in your treatment

doctors working with a patient in a waiting room

Some of the issues I work with include:

  • Cancer diagnosis

  • Newly diagnosed with a chronic illness

  • Teens and parents working to manage diabetes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Infertility

  • Endometriosis

  • Miscarriage

  • Sexual Dysfunction

bed and bedside table with a lamp

Sexual health is often left out of the conversation in medical care.

Sex and sexuality are a part of life and that doesn’t change just because you are dealing with a medical issue. In fact, it often creates new challenges and may require new approaches to your sex life.

You might be dealing with:

  • Mismatched desire or lack of desire

  • New sexual performance issues

  • Feeling like sex has become routine or even medicalized

  • Physical changes that make certain sexual positions difficult or impossible

No matter what, it’s taking something difficult and making it even worse.

Luckily, a big part of my experience is in helping people with these exact issues and others. Let’s try to bring some joy back to your life, even if it needs to look a little different now.

You deserve to feel informed, empowered, and supported in your medical journey.

Let’s work together to make that happen.

bridge with blue rails leading to a forest

Couples Therapy